Thứ Hai, 7 tháng 11, 2016

Interesting cycads facts

    Learn all information you wanted about animals by this article cycads facts
  • Certain types of cycads shed their leaves during extremely hot and dry season.
  • Some species of cycads look like palm trees, while others look like ferns at the first glance. Despite similarities in morphology, cycads, palms and ferns are not genetically related.
  • Cycads live in symbiosis (mutual beneficial relationship) with cyanobacteria which are able to fixate atmospheric nitrogen. These bacteria produce neurotoxin that can be found in various parts of the plant, including the seeds.
  • Cycads do not produce flowers. Male and female reproductive organs develop on separate plants (dioecious). Male plants produce egg-shaped cones that are usually yellow to brown in color. Female plants develop ovules and seeds on leafy structures called sporophylls.
  • Wind and beetles are in charge for the pollination. Cycads produce specific smell which attracts beetles and ensures successful pollination. Still boring? Check out oufunny images to get relaxing moments in your freetime.
  • Cycads produce small seeds that are covered with yellow or reddish flesh. Even though seeds contain toxin, they are used in human diet in some parts of the world.
Image result for facts about cycad
  • Cycads can be cultivated as houseplants. They can be propagated via seed or tissue cuttings.
  • Cycads are source of food for many animals. Larvae of certain butterflies and ants eat secretion from the leaves, cattle feeds on the leaves, while fruit bats eat seeds.
  • Cycads were used for the production of flour in the 9th century in India.
  • Certain types of cycads are known as bread trees because they contain starch which is important part of diet of indigenous people.
  • Leaves and cones of cycads are used in traditional Asian medicine.
  • Most cycads grow slowly, but they can survive over 1000 years in the wild.
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